March 26, 2009

No Knead Pizza

Those were the days when I used to peer through the Sbarro counter to get a glimpse of how they make a pizza. I always loved their pizzas and Strombolis (minus the huge a amount of butter they use) and was always under the impression that making a 'pizza dough' is an art to learn, and moreover for a novice baker like me, it was something like - 'No way!, I can never make it'.

... But surely thats not true according to Jim Lahey, the founder of Sullivan Street Bakery ('No Knead Bread' fame). When I saw his article in Tasting Table (my favorite food newsletters of all), I was so excited to see how simple his recipe was. I tried it out and voila! I surprised me myself. The pizza crust was so delicious that I wanted to have more and more. :) Thanks Jim!

No Knead Pizza (Adapted from Jim Lahey's recipe)


1.5 cups all-purpose or bread flour, more for dusting (I used all-purpose flour)
1/8 teaspoon instant yeast (I used Fleischmann's RapidRise)
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup of (lukewarm) water


Pizza Sauce (store-bought)
Fat-free shredded Mozzarella cheese
Veggies - Onions, Tomatoes, Peppers


1. In a large bowl, mix the flour with the yeast and salt. Add the water and stir until blended (the dough will be very sticky). Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rest for 12 to 24 hours in a warm spot, about 70°. (I mixed the dough at night and let it rest till morning - for about 14 hours.)

2. Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface and lightly sprinkle the top with flour. Fold the dough over on itself once or twice, cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest for 15 minutes.

3. Divide the dough into 4 pieces and shape each piece into a ball. Generously sprinkle a clean cotton towel with flour and cover the dough balls with it.

4. Let the dough rise for 2 hours. (I skipped this step as I was too eager to see how it turns out. Nevertheless, the outcome was yummy , so no regrets! :) )

5. Stretch or toss the dough into the desired shape, spread the pizza sauce cover with toppings & cheese and bake on top of a very hot baking sheet (or pizza stone) until the base is slightly browned and the cheese is starting to sizzle. Serve warm! (I baked at 350 F for about 15 mins)

Have a lovely day ahead :)

signing off for now,


  1. That's really very easy. I too have to try it. By instant yeast, do you mean rapid rise yeast?

  2. @ Madhu: Yup, its the rapidrise yeast Madhu. You don't need to foam it like the regular one. Just directly mix the dry yeast into the flour and make sure you use luke warm water to make the dough.

  3. That is gorgeous and delicious.Veggies combo is yummy too. I made his No Knead loaf, loved it. Must try this one although I don't really mind kneading the dough because my machine does it! :D

  4. Thats too to try this no knead pizza...thanks for sharing siri!!

  5. Looks lovely Siri! Wish I had a bite..

  6. I grabbed ur slice Dear! It is simply gorgeous :)

  7. thats very easy to prepare looks yummy n tempting enough to try..i will give a try sometime!!

  8. Looks great! And so easy too

  9. No knead pizza.. will try now. Thanks for the recipe Siri. Love the veggie combo.

  10. I love pizza's but not the ones buried under cheese, so I tried my hand at making them at home and loved them. I can top them with anything I like without communication problems either :)) This one looks delicious.
    I signed up for the newsletter following your reco :D

  11. This looks gorgeous and I love how quick it is to make! Will definitely try this, do you think it would work just as well with a wheat base too?

  12. Easy and yummy..looking delicious..

  13. That looks so gorgeous and yummy..

  14. Wow..No knead pizza..It looks very easy..thanks for sharing the recipe :)

  15. Thanks for your sweet and encouraging comments from one and all. :)


  16. god,Siri I wanted to try this today, realized I am out of yeast. Hope I get to make it this weekend. Can't wait to get my hand on this, what's the temp of oven and how long did u bake it for ?

  17. @ Sreelu: Thanks for asking this question Sreelu. I baked at 350F for about 15 mins). I also updated the post accordingly! :)



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