July 31, 2013

[Jar Recipes] Vegan Carrot Potato Soup Recipe + [Snacks To Munch] Roasted Pinto Beans

“I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.”  ~ Mark Twain, "Tom Sawyer Abroad"

..my ideal travel companions..

It's always so inspiring and relaxing to get out in the woods, to a remote place and just unwind. No getting up early in the morning, no daily chores to do, no running around to get things done on time and no need to plan meals & cook. :-) Sometimes we tend to travel by train, sometimes by flight or car. Each has its own charm to it. Indulging ourselves with good food plays a central part in making the experience more memorable and I always prefer to pack some home-cooked food so that we don't have to gorge on those unhealthy chips, candies and cold bread.

[Left] Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite                                    [Right] Hard Rock Cafe in front of Balitmore Aquarium 

[Left] Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco                               [Right] Cheese stuffed ravioli at a restaurant in Sausalito
Soup in small little jars has always been my favorite go-to-meal. Since its intended for travel, I usually don't add any milk or cream which makes it completely vegan - perfect for not just long distances but to enjoy it as-is. Adding to that, I wanted a snack to munch on. Carrot Potato Soup with Roasted Pinto Beans it is then, my heart said here are the recipes :-). Enjoy!

Vegan Carrot Potato Soup (Download and Print the recipe)

The carrot & potato hash adds a nice texture to the otherwise puree-like soup. If you wish, skip that step and roughly chop both the carrots & potatoes, cook and blend into the soup. This recipe can be easily cooked in big batches and freeze for the week ahead.

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 45 mins
Serves 2 to 3


2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1/2 tsp ground coriander powder
1/2 tsp ground cumin powder
1/2 tsp paprika ( I used red chilli powder)
1 bay leaf
salt to taste
2 carrots, peeled
2 potatoes, peeled
4 cups vegetable broth (or water)
1/2 tsp black pepper
a small bunch of cilantro leaves, chopped


1. Cut 1 carrot and 1 potato into chunks. Chop the second carrot and potato into to very small, equal sized pieces. Heat a tbsp of olive oil and add chopped onions. Saute for 3 to 4 mins on medium heat until translucent. Reduce the flame to low and add bay leaf, coriander powder, cumin powder, chilli powder and little salt. Mix well stirring, for 2 minutes, until the spices coat the onion pieces. Then immediately add roughly chopped carrot and potato.

2. Pour in the vegetable broth (or water) and de-glaze the pan.

3. Cover and cook until carrots are soft. This will take approximately 15 to 20 mins.

4. Meanwhile, in a small pan add a tbsp of oil and saute very finely chopped carrot and potato pieces along with little salt, chopped coriander and black pepper. Let it cook on low heat until the potato is fork tender.

5. Remove bay leaf and blend the carrot and potato chunks along with the broth to a soup-like consistency. Add more liquid as per your desired consistency. Adjust seasoning and finally add the sauteed carrot & potato bits. Mix well and serve with a few sprinkles of red pepper flakes on top.

Roasted Pinto Beans (Download and Print the recipe)


1 cup cooked pinto beans (or use canned beans - drained and rinsed)
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper


How to cook dried beans: Soak 1 cup of dried pinto beans over night (or at least 6 hours) in filtered water and then pressure cook them with enough water on HIGH heat for 9-12 minutes. Let the pressure be released naturally and there you have boiled beans ready for use. I normally cook at least 5-6 cups and freeze them. When required, all you have to do is thaw them a bit and use in stews, soups , salads or side dishes.

Preheat oven to 180 C or 400 F. Toss the pinto beans with olive oil, salt and pepper. Bake for 30 to 35 mins, rotating them for every 10 mins. Super crunchy and roasted pinto beans are ready for munching! You can even add some garlic, herbs or spices like chaat masala as add-ons. A dash of lemon juice will make these beans even more flavorful.

..pack up a jar  of soup with some munchies the next time you go on a drive!..

This is Recipe 45 & 46 added to 2013 Recipe Archive. Check out the rest of the recipes too.


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until next recipe,


  1. This soup looks so delicious (as do the roasted beans - I've never roasted pintos, only chickpeas.) I'm not waiting to travel to make these recipes :)


'Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it' ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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